
Thursday 12 June 2014

Finding China

Finding china

Hi my name is Fuatino but everyone calls me Tino. Guess what ? I did something really cool.I travelled to China in Shanghai and I went to school there for 6 weeks.Shanghai’s population is 13 million so I had a lot to talk about .Screenshot 2014-06-12 at 8.24.42 AM.png

The school

My school was called Ping-he Bilingual School.It was a flash school with lots of buildings.Most of the kids I met were from Shanghai .Most kids didn’t have brothers and sisters because China’s one rule is very strict. Your only allowed one per child in family.It was only winter and it was so cold that he temperature dropped low.The most embrassing thing was that there is no privacy and no doors on the toliets or the showers.Most of the girls in Shanghai were very friendly.

School work
We had to be showered,dressed and have breakfast by 6.30 a.m . Classes started at 7.00 a.m and school finished at 5.00 p.m .We  had one hour to finish our chinese homework every night we didn’t have enough time to do anything else. Chinese children worked harder than me .There were an equal amount with girls and boys including me.We studied a lot of subjects in Chinese and English Apart from science and music we were told the old fashioned way .Sometimes we were given a book and told to memorise passages.We were punished if we didn’t .My not favourite subject was P.E. because we had to do 100 sit ups and 100 press ups and run around the tracks 50 TIMES!!!!!!!

By :Tino

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